At this critical juncture in history, the development of more just, responsible, and effective forms of governance has become a vital imperative at all levels of society. At the level of the state, even the most advanced forms of democratic governance are losing legitimacy as a result of their cooptation by powerful interests groups and their inability to address the increasingly complex challenges facing all societies today. At the level of the market, corporate governance is viewed with growing suspicion and distrust as increasingly powerful corporations pursue narrow self-interests at the expense of broader social and ecological concerns. At the level of civil society, the governance of diverse organizations and movements is increasingly undermined as ideological forces and identity politics become sources of increasing division and anarchy. Furthermore, as a result of the complex interactions among all of these levels of governance, the management of human affairs is fraught with increasing difficulties even as the need for coordinated governance has never been greater. In short, in an age of ever-increasing social and ecological interdependence, inherited models of governance are unable to meet the immediate challenges, and guide the long-term progress, of human civilization. 

Based on the statement above, the relevant chapter from the Macionis text, and your personal understanding and knowledge of governance (please see link above for more information), choose and answer TWO of the questions below. 

  1. In what ways can governance promote unity and justice?
  2. How can we redefine power and authority?
  3. How do we develop new models for collective decision-making?
  4. How can we raise consciousness and empowerment despite the challenges that bad governance poses?
  5. How do we build capacities for good governance?
***Your response (blog post) to this blog above is required by Tuesday, December 11, 2012  at 11:59 p.m. AND your three separate responses to your classmates are due on Thursday, December 13, 2012***